Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dengan Keteguhan

Sedikit Naif dan Jaim

 Saya rasa semua orang punya Taste dan Gaya Hidup nya Masing-masing Sesuai Karakter turunan, darah yang di turunkan dan juga Lingkungan membentuk nya secara tidak langsung. pola asuh dari orang tua danPerlakuan saudara sekitar dan juga rasa penghormatan dan penghargaan dari sekitar.

Trying for not Judge

Excepted - Menerima dan mensyukuri itu kata-kata yang mungkin bisa sebagai penghiburan hati yang lara. tapi untuk melawan sebuah taqdir itu adalah kesia-siaan bagi sebagian orang. dan bagi sebagian yang laen nya Hidup adalah layak untuk di perjuangkan, even if semua harus di korbankan (harga diri, nama baek, bahkan hubungan baek antara sesama)
Bukan kah hidup untuk membaikkan sesama? ini terasa complicated, di satu sisi Manusia ingin membaikkan hidup nya masing-masing, dengan cara tercepat. Tapi miris!! seperti apa yang saya rasakan, Kita mendapatkan apa yang kita mau dan di saat itu pula kita merasa ini bukan yang saya mau, dan kita akan terus mengejar sekalipun dapat Oh'..bukan pula ini yang saya mau.
Dan Kata ilusi selalu muncul di benak''____Apa ini yang di namakan ilusi??kita mengejar sesuatu yang ketika kita belum memiliki nya tersa sesuatu yang layak untuk di kejar. dan ketika kita udah mendapatkan nya, YAH . . . begini aja thoh :)

Dan kalau kita cukup bisa fham dan mengerti tentang hukum ilusi, sebenarnya tak perlu ada yang nama nya Penyakit iri hati akan sesuatu yang di miliki orang lain lebih dulu.

Tapi ada dari sebagian Orang, mereka bisa bangga dengan rasa itu, Karena bisa menjadi Pendorong (Mood Boster) Untuk berusaha keras mendapatkan nya. (Cukup bisa di terima bukan?)

Hidup adalah serangkaian hal yang benar-benar complicated. Hidup bukan hanya serangkaian hal baek yang terus berkelanjutan, Itu setidak nya yang saya rasakan, saya selalu berusaha tampil sempurna bersikap baek dengan sesama, dan kadang sisi tidak baek saya mengingatkan, "Kamu di anggap tidak terlalu pintar karena kamu terlalu baek" :) its true' :)

Hemm saya menjadi tidak spontanitas' terlalu waspada dan saya tau itu sangat-sangat tidak baek, semua adalah hasil dari tulisan saya yang paling teratas.banyak hal yang saya alai dan terjadi yang memang tidak bisa di bilang sebagai pengalaman hidup yang menyenangkan dan layak untuk di jalani. tapi ... Saya heran pada diri saya sendiri masih bertahan hingga hari ini. (Semoga menjadi Kuat dan Bisa Menerima Pembelajaran yang laen) Selalu bisa mengambil dari setiap hal, sisi baek nya dan untuk kebaikkan sesama"Amin :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Keep Trying

 Kembali lagi setelah beberapa lama tidak menulis, berharap keinginan untuk menulis timbul kembali, dan lebih bersemangat, saya akui banyak ada di dalam kepala saya, tapi jujur tak banyak yang bisa di keluarkan, saya terlalu angkuh untuk bisa nerima masukkan yang itu membuat saya semakin tertoinggal di belakang, mungkin karena kepribadian saya yang tertutup, saya rasa sangat merugikan sekali buat diri saya sendiri.

Saya telah banyak membaca buku motivasional dan berusaha merubah mindset, sungguh tak mudah memang, tapi saya tak kan berhenti mencoba, saya yakin saya bisa!! ya saya bisa, seperti saya masih bertahan hingga saat ini dan baek-baek saja walau emang tidak baek-baek saja.

Saya tumbuh di lingkungan yang sangat negative, keluarga yang tidak utuh, gersanga akan kasih sayang, dan semua itu secara otomatis mencetak saya menjadi kepribadian yang terpisah dan memisahkan diri, karena merasa tidak sama dan tidak layak. Saya selalu berusaha dan belajar untuk menjadi lebih positive dan layak untuk hidup dan hadiah yang di berikan kehidupan.

Misi saya dan keinginan say dalam hidup adalah untuk bisa memberi, memberi dan memberi apapun itu, klo saya ada materi tentu nya saya akan memberi materi, dan klo ada semangat tentu nya saya akan memberi kata-kkata yang menyemangati dan mendorong orang laen menuju kebaikkan.

ya hidup untuk berkontribusi dalam kebaikkan, Niat yang sedikit demi sedikit terealisasikan. karena saya sadar Lebih baek sedikit dan berbuat dari pada mengharap memberi lebih banyak tapi belum juga terlaksana. Bissmillah!! selalu optimist, selalu berprasangka baek, dan berusah untuk membuka hati dan pikiran untuk hal-hal yang baek.

Fokus untuk memberi, membantu, cinta kasih dan berbagi apapun itu.

Saya selama ini looking for Mentor, tapi belum juga menemukan nya!! Saya sering menyemangati orang laen dan kadang saya juga butuh kata-kata positive dari orang laen, but belum menemukan nya.
Would You be my Mentor??

Monday, April 16, 2012

Function of Dell Laptop usefully

  Dell  is founded by Michael Dell on 1984, one of the celebrated laptops for consumers world wide,Dell laptop bring high performance in all form factors,small and large.These are lightweight laptop which bring 3G conectivity.You can choose from wide range of sizes from 12 inches to 20 inches.Laptop are equipped with inter core duo processors and microsoft media center OS.if you like to compare laptop from different brands, You can visit online retail stores.there also has a price list.

  Dell basically offers four types of laptop, Ultraportable, thin and light, medium sized laptop and desktop replacement laptop.

  Dell was formed with the objective of providing quality computer solution at afforable prices.Whole range of computer are related product such as computers, laptops,servers,network switches,data storages and personal di gital assistance for software computer peripherals and more.

   Dell inspiron is a laptop series which is includes wide range of laptops. These are low cost laptops. Dell inspiron 1525 is a popular Dell laptop having 15.4 inches LCD has glossy screen with antiglare option.This screen is a good for watching comes with a memory of 2GB or ram ans a 2.0GHz T7250 CPU. you can have DVD burner,bluetooth and 802.11n Wi-Fi at an extra cost.This laptop has got basic intel integrated graphics.

Batteries of a Dell inspiron 1525
Heres has a Dell accesories'Key bord cover.

Some of Popular Dell inspiron laptop are inspiron E1505, inspiron E1705, inspiron B130 and much more. Dell XPS is more advanced version of inspiron and has got advanced multimedia features.
For instance Dell XPS M1210 is an ultra mobile notebook offering exellent value. it has got unique design where the display supports are coverted into the system handle when system is closed.

  If you are interested in buying any of these devices, it is better to know a bout the Dell laptop prices. more over you can know and comparing it with other brand such as Asus,sony or others laptop brand.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Buy Laptop and Battery Charge

  People are interested in buying Laptop as it easy and portable to use.portability and convenience is absent in the desktops because they have their own advantage of usage.The main of advantage of using the desktops is the power consumption,as the deskstops are conected to the main power supply,and there is an UPS to carry on the power supply for desktops and hence the factor to be considered before buying the laptop is its battery backup and the charge for the battery. Tips need to be followed before buying laptop charge.

 Same of laptop charges now been duplicated,the first step before buying is to select the product or manufacture of the battery charge,and the detail complete of the manufacturer should be learn via computer or magazines and other jurnal,possibly from the experienced computer profesional which is usually used and mostly knows a bout battery charge for the laptop.other aspect in chargers to be considered is ability the environmental factor and extreme climatic conditions such as high heat and extreme cold.

 Battery has a threshold level in time which is can be charge.Such a battery by learning only by trial and error is nothing but getting a charge and using it. every charge withstands long duration of charging but there are few exceptional cases.example is the lithium ion need to be charged longer.

  Where the batteries selected for laptops are taken ,its charging is calculated and its set in the charged.
such a proven success in older times but with modern developed technology are certain factore to be considered it.

Here a sample of batteries

So, if you need to buy Laptop or other electronic kindly not in hurry'' get more info a bout the product better.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Eyes sign to our inside health

  What is Eyes said a bout the body health inside???

  Eyes is the important a part of our body, cant realize it if thats most important part is depraved.
You know what, eyes can help us to detected any health problem or even personality, here are tips how we can realize a bout the signal of our healthynes.

Size of eye ball
Eye ball or black ball at the middle of our eye, for the normal person is symmetrical,size and the reaction is the same if contact with the sun, but if the one of your eye ball more biggest or even smaller then the other may be you have health problem. specialist claimed thats differently of eye ball maybe is a sign thats this person has high pressure risk, optical nerve, brain med,aneurisme brain.

Dry eyes
if you are eyes often so dry and most sensitively to the radiance, that can realizing that signal you have a problem at the system immun, same like syndrom of sjogren, interfere with immun system that destroyed the eksokrin gland who has production of tears or saliva, need to be wary of this diseases, because this situation influence with over women at the upper age 40 years old with interfere with autoimun, like as rheumatoid arthitis or lupus.

Cloudy eyes
If you are eyes had a cloud and interfere of seeing, maybe your eyes has cataract, this condition cause clouded inside your eyes so need to do surgery, this condition mostly happen to an old person, but also can be risk to the young people, couse of diabetes or med and also cause consumed over the drug.

Feelt itchy in your eyes
mostly many reason that can make itchy over the eyes, the reason that casualy is pointed to the alergic, eyes and over surounding that are very sensitive and susceptible to the infection and alergic, that couse from the dust and animal feather.
if you are eyes feelt itchy and red, please to contact your doctor at advance, its really seriousely matter because eyes is more sensitively, if your sheath swollen maybe you has no enough sleep.

if your eyes has a rounded ring radiance in a Cornea area maybe you effected by arcus senilis, its high colesterol trigliserida, that risk to the heart attack, if so contact your doctor immediately.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How the right ways to wash your hair

   Have you do wash your hair with the right??
wash hair is one of the activity that often we do it,we will not mind to do it,its like otomaticaly when we had to shower up,exactly many ways we do it by wrong, try learn more.
have we wash our hair by right?
here the tips:

Dont need to wash everyday
you can wash your hair everyday,but not all hair type need to wash it everyday, if you do sport or even hard exercise everyday its needed to wash it, but if your hair very dry or curly, much and swelly, so you can wash it two days once.

Need to comb first
Combing the hair not just for neat,wet hair is likely to snap,easly to broken and drop off.
its very bad if the hair very damage when washing up,so before wet the hair its better to combing firts.

See the shampoo label
if your hair to oily, dont take shampoo for dry hair, the effect your hair will more thin and more oily, learn more a bout your hair,then choose up what is the macth shampoo and condotioner for your hair.

Dont need to take to much
your hair dont need using to much product of shampoo,conditioner,hair gel or another hair product.
Dont wash up by warm water
shower morning feelt fresh when using warm water,but if using high temperature will make it your head skin and hair dry, if not feel necessary when you wash it by cold water,you can using rather warm water.

Shampoo and conditioner
what is needed to wash using shampoo is skin of head and root of the hair,after foaming lets the foam come down till tip of your hair.
Conditioner using just for your hair,wipe the conditioner to your hair till point.

Monday, March 12, 2012

tips for save our balanced

   Confused to our monthly salery, thats so fast finish with no balanced,or even at the middle month we shutt up has no meney'''maybe we can said everything has to expensive so our salery not enough to pay for monthly billing. Eittsss'''lets we correctly our monthly out payment!! maybe we missing it to manage our money,or our life style buying is too wasting, but we had recieving our salary far of enough.

  to manage our ability thats not so much risk,here some tips to manage our balance:

Saving first,dont wait the residue
manyone will going to saving they money when the salery mostly finish,this a wrong strategic,start now to take some and saving it at your account,you can open bank account without ATM or we can join to the planning accout at every bank has.

Budgeting is Must
every first of month you must make it budgeting about the stuff needed or billing need to pay,to control your money out use,separate any fix paying and loan or even pay in installment,for the insurance and also for saving must on the portion.

Diciplin on money management
if you already manage your money,you must commited,if the quota for party has finish dont you push to take from another portion that needed.

Shooping by capable
shooping by money you have this month,not because how much you got banus for next month,remember dont waste your money for some thing un important and wish for another extra money.

Limited a bout your credit card
dont you keep over than two credit card in your wallet if you cant control to using it,wise to using your credit card so that you will easly to charge.paid or discharge your credit card or another loans at once when you got your salery.

Dont trifling about coins
 you might be accept return money from shopping center or restaurant,with small money or even coins,try to collect it in different wallet,this kind small money (coins) you might be need to use to pay parking area or even by snack,or even to buy small thing that urgently need.

 Make resave found
resave found its really usefull to avoid suddenly need include when need to come of friends party,to buy some gift or even to change tire tread.

investment your salery by following insurance,join on reksadana or deposit your money that can widrawel any time by following the agreement,by this statement same like you doing diciplin saving.

Ok!! now we know how to manage our income,lets practice''then Good Luck!!